3. Prepare Simple Cash Book from the following transactions of Simran:
Date | Particulars | ₹ | Date | Particulars | ₹ |
2024 | 2024 | ||||
March 01 | Simran commenced business with cash | 65,000 | March 17 | Paid for miscellaneous expenses | 450 |
March 03 | Bought goods for cash | 6,850 | March 19 | Received cash from Trilok, allowed Cash Discount |
4850 150 |
March 04 | Paid cash to Mohan | 950 | March 22 | Purchased goods | 2500 |
March 06 | Deposited in Bank | 40,000 | March 22 | Paid Salary | 15000 |
March 06 | Paid for office furniture in cash | 4,650 | March 25 | Paid rent | 900 |
March 09 | Sold goods for cash | 30,000 | March 28 | Paid electricity bill | 350 |
March 12 | Paid wages in cash | 1,200 | March 29 | Paid for advertising | 400 |
March 13 | Paid for Stationery | 400 | March 31 | Paid into bank | 25,000 |
March 15 | Sold goods for cash | 25,000 |
T.S.Grewal/2024 Edition/Practical Problems/Q-03
For full question, please refer to the text book T.S.Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping-Financial Accounting, Textbook for CBSE Class XI published by Sultan Chand & Sons Pvt. Ltd.