1. Following accounts are being maintained in the books of Shri Ashok. Classify them into Personal, Real and Nominal Accounts: 

(i) Land and Building (viii) Salary (xv) Interest Received
(ii) Excise Duty (ix) Debtors (xvi) Bank Overdraft
(iii) Creditors (x) Bad Debts (xvii) Purchase Returns
(iv) Capital (xi) Depreciation (xviii) Drawings
(v) Motor Vehicles (xii) Wages (xix) Freight
(vi) Goodwill (xiii) Repairs (xx) Return Inwards.
(vii) Investments (xiv) Ramesh, a debtor

  T.S.Grewal/2024 Edition/Practical Problems/Q-01

For full question, please refer to the text book T.S.Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping-Financial Accounting, Textbook for CBSE Class XI published by Sultan Chand & Sons Pvt. Ltd.

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