15. Prepare a Bank Reconciliation Statement on 31st December, 2019 from the following particulars

(a) A’s overdraft as per Pass Book ₹20,000 as at 31st Dec.

(b) On 30th December, cheques had been issued for ₹80,000, of which cheques worth ₹15,000 only had been encashed up to 31st December.

(c) Cheques amounting to ₹6,500 had been paid into the bank for collection but of these only ₹2,500 had been credited in the Pass Book.

(d) The bank has charged ₹700 as interest on overdraft and the intimation of which has been received on 2nd January 2020.

(e) The Bank Pass Book shows credit for ₹2,000 representing ₹1,400 paid by debtor of A direct into the bank and ₹600 collected direct by bank in respect of interest on A’s investment. A had no knowledge of these items.

(f) A cheque for ₹3,600 has been debited in bank column of Cash Book by A, but it was not sent to bank at all.


D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-15

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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