11. (A) Enter the following transactions in the Two Column Cash Book of Mr. Mohan

Jan. 1 Cash in Hand 2,200
Cash at Bank 50,000
3 Purchased goods for ₹75,000; Trade Discount 20%: CGST 6%, SGST 6%; Payment made by Cheque
4 Sold goods for ₹40,000; Trade Discount 15%;, IGST I2%; Payment received by Cheque
5 Received a cheque from Naresh 1,000
8 Cheque received from Naresh endorsed to Suresh in full settlement of his account of ₹1,050
10 Paid Life Insurance premium of Mr. Mohan 100
13 Received a cheque from Pawan in full settlement of his account of ₹750. 700
16 Pawan's cheque retuned dishonoured by bank
20 Deposited into Bank, balance of Cash in excess of ₹250

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-11(A)

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

11. (B) Enter the following transactions in a Two Columnar Cash Book 

Dec. 1 Started business with cash 50,000
2 Pays into Bank 29,000
3 Received cheque from Raja & Co. 800
Discount allowed 20
5 Withdrew cash from bank for private use 240
10 Purchased goods for ₹1,00,000; IGST 18%; Payment made by Cheque
12 Sold goods for ₹1,50,000; Trade Discount 20%; IGST 18%; Payment received by Cheque
14 Received cheque from Kamla 395
Discount allowed 15
16 Kamla's cheque endorsed to Bala in full settlement of her account of) ₹425
29 Paid rent by cheque 1,000
30 Deposited into bank, balance of cash in excess of 450

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-11(B)

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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