9. (A). Prepare Accounting Equation from the following:

  1. Started business with cash ₹75,000 and goods ₹25,000.
  2. Paid for Rent ₹2,000.
  3. Bought goods for cash ₹30,000 and on credit for ₹44,000.
  4. Goods costing ₹50,000 sold at a profit of 25%, out of which ₹27,500 received in Cash.
  5. Purchased a Motor-cycle for personal use ₹20,000.

Q.9 (B). Prepare Accounting Equation from the following and also prepare a Balance Sheet :

  1. Raghu started business with Cash ₹1,50,000.
  2. Bought goods for cash ₹80,000 and on credit for ₹40,000.
  3. Goods costing ₹75,000 sold at a profit of 33⅓%. Half the payment received in cash.
  4. Goods costing ₹10,000 sold for ₹12,000 on credit.
  5. Paid for Rent ₹2,000 and for salaries ₹4,000.
  6. Goods costing ₹20,000 sold for ₹18,500 for Cash.

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-09

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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