D K Goel 11th – FSWP 10
10. (A) From the following balances, prepare Trading, Profit and Loss A/c and a Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2023: Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. Opening StockPurchasesFuel and PowerCapitalSalesRentReturns InwardsCash Discount allowedCash Discount receivedDrawings 20,0002,92,00034,0001,60,0005,90,00010,00016,00015,00019,00058,100 GoodwillFurniture and FittingsRepair ChargesBankSalariesGeneral ExpensesDebtorsCreditorsOutput CGSTOutput SGST 16,00058,0002,90018,0001,10,00018,0002,30,0001,35,0005,0005,000 Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs. Input CGSTInput SGST 8,0008,000 Take the following adjustments … Read more