25. Prove that the accounting equation is satisfied in the following transactions

(a) Brij Mohan commenced business with Cash 1,00,000
(b) Bought goods for Cash 60,000
(c) 1/3rd of the above goods sold at a profit of 20% on cost. Half the payment received in Cash
(d) Purchased typewriter for office use 15,000
(e) Purchased goods on Credit from X 25,000
(f) Paid to X 15,000
(g) Paid Salary 3,000
(h) Received commission 500
(i) Sold goods for Cash (Cost ₹50,000) 60,000

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-25

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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