25. Prepare a Cash Book with Cash and Bank columns from the following information in the Books of O’Neil:
2022 | |
Dec. 1 | Cash in Hand ₹2,780; Bank Overdraft ₹3,125. |
2 | Cheque worth ₹400 issued to the petty cashier. |
5 | ₹350 was paid to Hari & Sons for the supply of stationery on this day. |
7 | Received a cheque worth ₹600 from Pramod against sale of goods. |
10 | Received ₹1,200 for sale of goods. |
11 | The cheque which was received from Pramod on 7th December was endorsed in favour of Morgan together with ₹1,400 in cash. |
15 | Received ₹950 from Sheila. |
23 | Murarilal paid ₹2,000 in cash and ₹3,000 in cheque after receiving a discount of ₹200 for goods sold to him in November. The cheque was immediately deposited into the Bank. |
26 | Bought goods worth ₹1,700 from Rustom and paid by cheque after receiving a discount of ₹170. |
30 | Interest on overdraft ₹50 was charged by the Bank. |
30 | Cash in excess of ₹1,000 was deposited into the Bank. |
D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-25
For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company