15. Prepare a Petty Cash Book on the Imprest System from the following:

April 1 Received ₹10,000 for Petty Cash.
3 Paid Cartage ₹800.
4 Paid Bus Fare ₹400; Speed Post ₹200.
6 Paid for Stationery ₹700.
7 Paid for Courier Services ₹300.
9 Paid for Taxi fare ₹800; Wages ₹300,
10 Paid for Wages ₹400; Charity ₹500.
11 Paid for Newspaper bill ₹600,
12 Paid for soap ₹320; Speed post charges ₹300.
13 Paid for Postage ₹780.
14 Paid for Repairs of Chairs ₹500.
15 Paid for Refreshment to customers ₹900.

D.K.Goel/2024 Edition/Practical Questions/Q-15

For full question, please refer to the text book Accountancy Class-XI by Mr. D.K.Goel published by Avichal Publishing Company

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