2. Prepare Simple Cash Book of Gurman from the following transactions:

April 01 Gurman commenced business introducing cash 2,00,000
April 04 Purchased following assets for business:
Computer ₹16,000; Furniture ₹18,500 and Machinery ₹32,000, payment made by cheque.
April 06 Purchased goods from Bhushan in cash 40,000
April 08 Paid wages for installation of Machinery 4,000
April 12 Computer repair charges 1,900
April 15 Paid wages 15,000
Purchased Postage Stamps 150
Paid for stationery 2,700
April 19 Sold for cash half the goods purchased from Bhushan to Anil at a profit of 25% and allowed him Trade Discount of 5%
April 24 Payment to carpenter for repairs to personal furniture 350
April 26 Paid for medical expenses of Smt. Gurman 1,800
April 30 Paid for shop rent 2,500

  T.S.Grewal/2024 Edition/Practical Problems/Q-02

For full question, please refer to the text book T.S.Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping-Financial Accounting, Textbook for CBSE Class XI published by Sultan Chand & Sons Pvt. Ltd.

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